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Supplier Quality Clauses and Requirements "SQCR Rev. B"


**SQCR 01: Facility Access and Inspection**

A.M.I. Engineering, its customers, and regulatory authorities have the right to access the supplier's facility to inspect, verify, validate, and assure that all products/materials are produced according to specifications. AMI reserves the right to inspect products at the point of origin, the applicable areas of the facilities, at any level of the supply chain involved in the order, and to review all related records.



**SQCR 02: Periodic Quality Evaluations**

AMI is entitled to perform quality evaluations periodically to ensure quality and traceability of all products/materials.



**SQCR 03: Notification of Changes**

The supplier is required to notify AMI of any changes in product and/or process such as relocation or any other major changes. The supplier is to notify AMI for any sublet work outside their facility and wait for approval from AMI.



**SQCR 04: Record Retention**

AMI requires that all records, including inspection, test, and traceability, be retained for a minimum of 10 years. The supplier is to ensure records are legible, accessible, and retrievable.



**SQCR 05: Non-Conforming Product Notification**

The supplier is to notify AMI of any non-conforming product/material(s) and shall wait for disposition from AMI. The supplier is NOT to make any changes or alter designs to the original specifications.



**SQCR 06: Documentation Requirements**

The supplier is to supply all required and requested certifications, test reports, material certifications, special process reports, and all applicable certifications with each shipment when applicable.



**SQCR 07: Part Protection**

The supplier shall take appropriate steps to protect all parts while handling them and protect them from any possible damage. Therefore, there shall be: No Nicks, No Dings, No Scratches, and No Visible Flaws on materials handled during processes, No contaminants or FOD.



**SQCR 08: Sub-Tier Supplier Compliance**

The supplier is to use all outside processing sub-tiers as required per Purchase Order and flow down all Purchase Order requirements and clauses to sub-tier suppliers when applicable. Suppliers are to use only customer-designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g., special processes).



**SQCR 09: Quality System Compliance**

AMI suppliers are to comply or certify their quality systems to AS 9100D and ISO 9001:2015 and any special requirements from specific suppliers.



**SQCR 10: Counterfeit Parts Prevention/Avoidance and Control Plan**

The Supplier shall establish and maintain a Counterfeit Parts Prevention/Avoidance and Control Plan using Industry Standard AS5553 (Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition) and AS6174 (Counterfeit Material; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Material) as guidelines. The process shall be to prevent and control the delivery of counterfeit parts/Material.



**SQCR 11: Personnel Awareness**

The supplier should ensure that all personnel are made aware of their contribution to product and/or service conformity, product safety, and the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace.




This Supplier Quality Control Requirements (SQCR) page serves as a comprehensive guide for suppliers working with A.M.I. Engineering, outlining the necessary protocols and standards to adhere to for ensuring product quality and compliance.

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